Sunday, July 1, 2012
Hi there, I just returned from a mission trip to Jamaica yesterday. As always travel is emotionally rejuvenating. I find medical trips I make outside the country always remind me to be grateful for the over abundance that we have in the USA. I am also always reminded of the importance of HEALTH EDUCATION, I am not fulfilled when I just write prescriptions and hand out pills. I believe more and more that my vocation is to teach!
I am happiest when I am showing people how to be and stay healthy. Feel good wherever you are or whatever you have. And so, onward to another seminar, my attempt at spreading needed information that is not discussed enough.
.......Please come on out to my Fall seminar on November 3rd 2012 and let's continue where we left off......
let's make a difference.........together. Be Well, Feel Good. Dr Tuakli
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement a poem!
Here is a poem a patient of mine wrote about the way she felt before and after BHRT. She read it at the last seminar and hopes to make a You Tube video of it!
Pre↓ vs. Post↑
I did not care....
I could not......
get out of the bed.........
my dreams laid on the coffee table.........
waiting to be spoken.............
I was sad a lot..........
but I faked a lot...........
I was dry ............
and my scent disappeared............
I used to be horny at times.........
and then, I never was..........
I could not remember the last time I wanted some.........
I thought - "is this all there is to life?" ..........
waiting for someone..........
to come and turn on my life switch...........
lonely was my new best friend...........
my bed, was my lover..........
exercise, I forgot how............
tears, always close by.............
skin, no moisture...........
eyes, half shut..........
soul, dormant.............
I did not know how bad I felt...........
until I started feeling great again!.......................................................................
I show up...............
I care...........
I care that I matter..............
I care about myself.............
I care about my house...........
I care about my body............
I care about my life............
I care about my soul..............
I care.............
I care about what I let into my life............
and what I choose to keep out.............
I care about what's going on in me; and outside of me...............
my scent came back; my horny came back.............
my moisture came back .................
fuzzy thinking left and my sleep came back............
more importantly, for real.................
my smile came back...............
my care came back.............
I let God open my mind.............
towards a solution – HRT!..............
what am I talking about?...........
“hormone replacement therapy”..............
the bio-identical kind..............
and I began...............
to feel better...........
I regained the strength...............
to turn my life switch back on...............
I now care...............
Because I now matter..................................
“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” – Proverbs 16:24...........
Angela Riddick ........ * Poetic Mustard Seeds ........... *
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.................
Dedicated to Dr. Nadu Tuakli because every day is a glorious day!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Spring Seminar 2012
WOW! We had another successful seminar at the Turf Valley Golf Resort in Ellicott City MD. We kicked it off, as always, with Ms. Claudia Salomon who walked us through various NIA movements and got our blood circulating.
Our first discussion dealt with the basic concepts of Anti-Aging and why the topics we cover at each seminar are different. Anti-Aging is a HUGE subject basically dealing with every aspect of our health as we age: from head to toe, inside and out.
A discussion of how to lose weight was followed by testimonials by 3 patients who brought tears to some participants' eyes with their absolute honesty and great stories. No two people walk exactly the same path but it is arriving at the destination that is important. One is celebrating her 15th wedding anniversary this year and is finally back to where she wants to be weight-wise after 14 years of trying. Another described how she has lost 70 pounds since last September after battling obesity all her life. Last but not least was a lady who has lost over 100 pounds. She described how close she was to being on oxygen and disabled for the rest of her days, now she is active and can travel with her daughter to cheer-leading competitions. All these people have their lives back after doing my 6 week Diet Plan. I am so proud of them all.
Dr Gunawardane discussed Dementia in very simple and understandable terms, what a great lecture! Similarly informative was a talk by Dr Fenig from Chesapeake Urology who explained why Testosterone is so important for men and what remedies there are for Erectile dysfunction. Needless to say, I talked about Bio-identical Hormones and then one of my patients pleasantly surprised me with a poem she had written about how she felt before and after being on hormones. Unbelievable! She brought the house down with her poem and her total honesty. I must admit I was overwhelmed, I have the BEST patients, I could not pay for these kind of testimonials! I am hoping to print her poem later in my blog if she gives me permission to do so, it really was profound.
My skin care products were on sale for by one get one half off, and many people took advantage of the sale. We also had a demo of the Infra-red Spa, sold at a special price.
More NIA and we came to a happy close. What a wonderful event,I am hoping to post some of the videos soon.
Plan on being at our fall Seminar!
Until we talk:
Be well and move your health in a positive direction EVERY day!
Dr Tuakli
Monday, April 30, 2012
Its that time again.
The spring seminar is around the corner on April 12th 2012 at Turf valley Golf Resort on Turf valley Rd in Ellicott City.
Please join us, we will be discussing Hormone Replacement, ED and Testosterone, Dementia, the HCG diet and what's new in the world of Anti-Aging.
You can register and get more information at this link:
Or register right here on my website.
We have guest speakers and exhibitors
Hope to see you there!
Healthily Yours
Dr Tuakli
Friday, February 17, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Remedies for the common cold
I had forgotten how miserable a cold can feel until I recently caught one from my husband. Surprisingly I rarely catch things from my patients because I am on guard but within the family it is hard not to "share the love". They say if you dont treat a cold it will last 7 days and if you treat it , it will last a week! That's true however, there is a protocol that can cut it in half, that's what I do. I really dont have the luxury of being sick for a week.
So today I am going to share with you my strategy for curing the common cold.
Stay warm, which means bundling up until you look ridiculous.
Inhale steam for 5 to 15 minutes with you mouth open. What I find the most effective is to boil water in a big pot and sit with a towel over my head, not very attractive and it can seem to take up more time than you feel like spending but well worth the effort. There are more chic ways to do it with a fancy facial humidifier but this is what I find the most effective. Just putting a humidifier in the room doesnt do it. Steam does a variety of things: Opens up and kills viruses in your airway, makes you bring up phlegm, decrusts your nose (way more effectively than picking :) and helps you breathe better and its free!
Only drink warm liquids like tea. Even if you want to drink water dont drink anything colder than room temperature.
Avoid dairy
Lysol and Hand Sanitizer at home to avoid spreading it to loved ones
I immediately start mega doses of vitamin C and increase my D. My patients are all familiar with our 'Viral Mix' which I give for anyone with a viral infection. I take one pack of Viral Mix plus Total Well Being. Sometimes I will add Aconitum. I only use Oscillo if I think I am dealing with the flu (body aches etc). The Wellness Complex may be helpful although I believe in using it throughout the winter for maximum health. Add Echinacea twice a day until better.
Sounds like a lot of pills, and it is, but its worth it to feel better, sooner.
If you dont have high blood pressure take a sudafed the first morning. This can stop your nose from running like a faucet while you are getting over your cold. The downsides of Sudafed are: It increases your blood pressure and can make your heart race. It can also make you stay awake, so dont take it late in the day. Paradoxically there are people who say it makes them drowsy but then there are people who can drink expresso before going to bed and still sleep.
Another down side is that apparently some young people have figured out ways to abuse it.
"Nyquil-like" products are not a favorite of mine, there is too much stuff mixed up in it plus it has a high alcohol content which can leave you with a hangover or headache. Try Benedryl if you really need to sleep when you have a cold.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol will help for the aches and pains.
4. PHASE 2
If you follow the above regimen you should be better in 2 days, if your symptoms are getting worse instead of better after 2 days see your doctor. What may be worse? Increasing headache, persistent temperature, discharge is becoming more colored, deepening cough.
So today I am going to share with you my strategy for curing the common cold.
Stay warm, which means bundling up until you look ridiculous.
Inhale steam for 5 to 15 minutes with you mouth open. What I find the most effective is to boil water in a big pot and sit with a towel over my head, not very attractive and it can seem to take up more time than you feel like spending but well worth the effort. There are more chic ways to do it with a fancy facial humidifier but this is what I find the most effective. Just putting a humidifier in the room doesnt do it. Steam does a variety of things: Opens up and kills viruses in your airway, makes you bring up phlegm, decrusts your nose (way more effectively than picking :) and helps you breathe better and its free!
Only drink warm liquids like tea. Even if you want to drink water dont drink anything colder than room temperature.
Avoid dairy
Lysol and Hand Sanitizer at home to avoid spreading it to loved ones
I immediately start mega doses of vitamin C and increase my D. My patients are all familiar with our 'Viral Mix' which I give for anyone with a viral infection. I take one pack of Viral Mix plus Total Well Being. Sometimes I will add Aconitum. I only use Oscillo if I think I am dealing with the flu (body aches etc). The Wellness Complex may be helpful although I believe in using it throughout the winter for maximum health. Add Echinacea twice a day until better.
Sounds like a lot of pills, and it is, but its worth it to feel better, sooner.
If you dont have high blood pressure take a sudafed the first morning. This can stop your nose from running like a faucet while you are getting over your cold. The downsides of Sudafed are: It increases your blood pressure and can make your heart race. It can also make you stay awake, so dont take it late in the day. Paradoxically there are people who say it makes them drowsy but then there are people who can drink expresso before going to bed and still sleep.
Another down side is that apparently some young people have figured out ways to abuse it.
"Nyquil-like" products are not a favorite of mine, there is too much stuff mixed up in it plus it has a high alcohol content which can leave you with a hangover or headache. Try Benedryl if you really need to sleep when you have a cold.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol will help for the aches and pains.
4. PHASE 2
If you follow the above regimen you should be better in 2 days, if your symptoms are getting worse instead of better after 2 days see your doctor. What may be worse? Increasing headache, persistent temperature, discharge is becoming more colored, deepening cough.
common cold,
remedies for a cold,
viral infections,
Monday, January 16, 2012
Our Annual Spring Seminar is (almost) here again!

Whenever I go to Anti-Aging meetings and listen to the presentations and review all the exhibits I can't wait to share all the new information with my patients. This is why I hold seminars twice a year.
Science is always evolving, even a tried and true remedy may have improvements or new uses and when I do the seminar I can bring up-to-date information to people, its nothing short of exciting!
Even though I am bursting to share immediately, I think it is good that I have a little time to try out products and research more information on things I am interested in, so I have first hand experience.
In addition to dynamite information, I find good products and order them so people can try them at a discount. As my husband will attest I try EVERYTHING myself first! Some products are duds and some like my Anti-Aging serum (SAST) are brilliant, I was able to discuss creating that with a holistic biochemist 10 years ago at the Anti-Aging conference and I still swear by it!
Among other things I found some anti-wrinkle gel that is incredibly affordable and works. It is listed as Nature's Alternative to Botox and it will only be $15 at the seminar (usually $45 though some websites have it listed as high as $100!!!). And then there's the portable infrared sauna, I am loving it daily. It makes me sleep like a baby. (That's me in the sauna!).
I have had several people offer to do a testimonial regarding their Hormone Treatment and HCG weight loss programs, so there will be people who have been there and done it, that you can talk to and as usual... Zumba and Nia
All that to say, "it's Time!", the seminar will be on May 12th 2012 at Turf Valley from 9.00 to 3.00
Hope to see you there.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Stage 4 Breast Cancer in a 28 year old
My second patient of this New Year was a young lady of 28 with breast cancer that has already spread to her lymph nodes. A lump was found by her husband who advised her to get it checked out, for someone so young with a 3 year old son, she seemed incredibly calm. Waiting until the end of the Holidays she and her husband showed up first thing on Monday morning. I thought back to my last blog of 2010 and thought even with the mammogram schedule I follow, she would have been dead long before she 'qualified' for a mammogram. This case shows that self breast exam is still critical, yet the preventive Task Force advises against teaching our patients to do them. I cannot fathom the basis for that recommendation.
When young people get cancer it is somehow even more scary.
At the Anti-Aging conference I went to in December there was a talk given by the surgeon who has done the most robotic surgeries on the prostate in the world. He told us of his frustration with the new recommendations not to do Prostate cancer screening through the blood with the PSA test. He said the youngest case of Prostate cancer he had ever seen was in a 31 year old male whose Primary Care Physician had accidentally checked off a PSA test on his routine lab work. His Insurance company said they would not pay for the test because he shouldn't have had it at his age. "Even though it showed I have Prostate cancer he asked?"
What is the world coming to? Are people getting cancers earlier or are we just picking them up sooner? Not sure but PLEASE pay attention to your health and if anything doesn't feel right, get it checked out, no matter what narrow minded people( even Doctors) may say. Did I mention I'm running for 'Most Popular Doctor this year??
Best Wishes,
Be Well and Be Safe
Dr. Tuakli
When young people get cancer it is somehow even more scary.
At the Anti-Aging conference I went to in December there was a talk given by the surgeon who has done the most robotic surgeries on the prostate in the world. He told us of his frustration with the new recommendations not to do Prostate cancer screening through the blood with the PSA test. He said the youngest case of Prostate cancer he had ever seen was in a 31 year old male whose Primary Care Physician had accidentally checked off a PSA test on his routine lab work. His Insurance company said they would not pay for the test because he shouldn't have had it at his age. "Even though it showed I have Prostate cancer he asked?"
What is the world coming to? Are people getting cancers earlier or are we just picking them up sooner? Not sure but PLEASE pay attention to your health and if anything doesn't feel right, get it checked out, no matter what narrow minded people( even Doctors) may say. Did I mention I'm running for 'Most Popular Doctor this year??
Best Wishes,
Be Well and Be Safe
Dr. Tuakli
Happy New Year! "New" resolutions ........again
So another year is here and probably another series of resolutions. I think I have gone into defensive mode because I actually don't consciously make New Year's resolutions anymore. We tell ourselves why make them we will just break them anyway and then feel worse!
At the same time, let's think about the 'pros' of making resolutions. Would it not be a wonderful thing if politicians and other big wigs could join us the 'small fry' in reviewing what mistakes we made the year before and vow to rectify them? But then again, maybe politicians are a bad example, they rarely admit that they have made a mistake unless they are caught (literally) with their pants down and then they are more focused on damage control. Sorry, I digress.
New Year's resolutions do have their place however, even if they are soon to be broken. The traditional one is the Diet and then of course to Quit smoking. As many people as I have seen make these resolutions and there have been hundreds, there are always some, no matter how few, who actually stick with them. For these people making a resolution was life altering. Sometimes starting down the path of your resolution with baby steps ends up in major gains in your health and general outlook on life.
Be positive! At least you meant well! Sometimes being positive can be the difference between life and death, literally.
When I start my patients on the HCG diet (Yes, I am an ardent believer in the results) , I ask them to make a 3 point Affirmation (resolution if you will) they say it in the morning before they start their day. The 3 points are: Firstly: today is Day X.... why? because it reminds you of how much you have already achieved and that you are on the path to finishing. 6 weeks after all is not a life sentence. Secondly: enumerate the reasons why YOU want to lose weight (I want to fit into the gown I wore 2 years ago, versus, my co-workers keep bugging me to lose weight) and Third and finally "I am worth it!" The reason I have my patients do this is because if you start the day positive you can put a spring in your step, and actually achieve your goal instead of thinking " Oh Dear! Do I really have to follow that diet again today! As you can imagine, if you start the day on the negative you are less likely to succeed.
There are many examples I can give you such as cutting down red meat and cholesterol, to smile more, take more time off and de-stress etc but the point is, for whatever period of time you follow the new resolution (join the gym!) at least you can say you made the resolution, its better than shunning the idea altogether.
So verbalize some good changes you would like to make a one of these days it will actually happen. As a physician I am hoping there will be some health centered resolutions in there too.
Happy New Year, let's not be afraid to make resolutions! Cheers to your Health and Longevity
Dr Tuakli
At the same time, let's think about the 'pros' of making resolutions. Would it not be a wonderful thing if politicians and other big wigs could join us the 'small fry' in reviewing what mistakes we made the year before and vow to rectify them? But then again, maybe politicians are a bad example, they rarely admit that they have made a mistake unless they are caught (literally) with their pants down and then they are more focused on damage control. Sorry, I digress.
New Year's resolutions do have their place however, even if they are soon to be broken. The traditional one is the Diet and then of course to Quit smoking. As many people as I have seen make these resolutions and there have been hundreds, there are always some, no matter how few, who actually stick with them. For these people making a resolution was life altering. Sometimes starting down the path of your resolution with baby steps ends up in major gains in your health and general outlook on life.
Be positive! At least you meant well! Sometimes being positive can be the difference between life and death, literally.
When I start my patients on the HCG diet (Yes, I am an ardent believer in the results) , I ask them to make a 3 point Affirmation (resolution if you will) they say it in the morning before they start their day. The 3 points are: Firstly: today is Day X.... why? because it reminds you of how much you have already achieved and that you are on the path to finishing. 6 weeks after all is not a life sentence. Secondly: enumerate the reasons why YOU want to lose weight (I want to fit into the gown I wore 2 years ago, versus, my co-workers keep bugging me to lose weight) and Third and finally "I am worth it!" The reason I have my patients do this is because if you start the day positive you can put a spring in your step, and actually achieve your goal instead of thinking " Oh Dear! Do I really have to follow that diet again today! As you can imagine, if you start the day on the negative you are less likely to succeed.
There are many examples I can give you such as cutting down red meat and cholesterol, to smile more, take more time off and de-stress etc but the point is, for whatever period of time you follow the new resolution (join the gym!) at least you can say you made the resolution, its better than shunning the idea altogether.
So verbalize some good changes you would like to make a one of these days it will actually happen. As a physician I am hoping there will be some health centered resolutions in there too.
Happy New Year, let's not be afraid to make resolutions! Cheers to your Health and Longevity
Dr Tuakli
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