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Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year! "New" resolutions ........again

So another year is here and probably another series of resolutions. I think I have gone into defensive mode because I actually don't consciously make New Year's resolutions anymore. We tell ourselves why make them we will just break them anyway and then feel worse!
At the same time, let's think about the 'pros' of making resolutions. Would it not be a wonderful thing if politicians and other big wigs could join us the 'small fry' in reviewing what mistakes we made the year before and vow to rectify them? But then again, maybe politicians are a bad example, they rarely admit that they have made a mistake unless they are caught (literally) with their pants down and then they are more focused on damage control. Sorry, I digress.
New Year's resolutions do have their place however, even if they are soon to be broken. The traditional one is the Diet and then of course to Quit smoking. As many people as I have seen make these resolutions and there have been hundreds, there are always some, no matter how few, who actually stick with them. For these people making a resolution was life altering. Sometimes starting down the path of your resolution with baby steps ends up in major gains in your health and general outlook on life.
Be positive! At least you meant well! Sometimes being positive can be the difference between life and death, literally.
When I start my patients on the HCG diet (Yes, I am an ardent believer in the results) , I ask them to make a 3 point Affirmation (resolution if you will) they say it in the morning before they start their day. The 3 points are: Firstly: today is Day X.... why? because it reminds you of how much you have already achieved and that you are on the path to finishing. 6 weeks after all is not a life sentence. Secondly: enumerate the reasons why YOU want to lose weight (I want to fit into the gown I wore 2 years ago, versus, my co-workers keep bugging me to lose weight) and Third and finally "I am worth it!" The reason I have my patients do this is because if you start the day positive you can put a spring in your step, and actually achieve your goal instead of thinking " Oh Dear! Do I really have to follow that diet again today! As you can imagine, if you start the day on the negative you are less likely to succeed.
There are many examples I can give you such as cutting down red meat and cholesterol, to smile more, take more time off and de-stress etc but the point is, for whatever period of time you follow the new resolution (join the gym!) at least you can say you made the resolution, its better than shunning the idea altogether.
So verbalize some good changes you would like to make a one of these days it will actually happen. As a physician I am hoping there will be some health centered resolutions in there too.
Happy New Year, let's not be afraid to make resolutions! Cheers to your Health and Longevity
Dr Tuakli

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10814 Hickory Ridge Road
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