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Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Look for the New Year, my Detox face!

Well here is my 2013 look, post detox! I got new photos done today and here is the big reveal! I thought it was time I got an update and the photographer agreed, he made me laugh talking about realtors who still use photographs from 30 years ago and how surprised people are when they actually meet the person. "No you don't understand" I told him, "my goal is to show people how well my face products and anti-aging program work! I'm really not trying to scare anyone when they meet the real me". After 30 plus years of practice I like to think I am doing something right. On a serious note, the more you read about detoxing the more you realize how critical it is to detox. The water, the food, the environment, chemicals. The EPA says that the indoor air is more polluted than the outdoor air! Toxins in today's world are unavoidable and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they are associated with the increase in certain diseases especially cancer. Since we can't live in a bubble let's do what is within our power to stay healthy. That's your goal and my goal, one of those goals that has to stay the same year after year. Please come back and read my blog often together we will make it work. I plan too keep sharing my 'secrets' until the whole world knows! Add life to your years and years to your life! Dr. Nadu Tuakli

Friday, January 25, 2013

New Year! New You! Detoxify!!! Out with the old :)

Happy New Year! Its been a long time since we chatted! Well 2012 was very eventful and 2013 promises to be even more so. The only New Year's Resolution I made was to write my blog more often. Resolutions are great to make but even greater when they are kept. One resolution I think we all should make is to detoxify regularly. This doesn't have to be a major command performance in fact you can start with baby steps but I believe that in today's toxic world it is crucial. For those of you who attended my last (fantastic) seminar in November, you would have heard my talk on detoxification and why it is necessary. For those who did not, let me summarize: Everything we do, eat, apply and breathe is contaminated and the health consequences of this are dire. For example, when I finished my residency the incidence of breast cancer in the US was 1 in 12: now it is reported as 1 in 8! 2100 chemicals including pesticides, medications and recreational drugs have been found in city water supplies. 80,000 metric tons of cancer causing chemicals are released into the air annually in North America ( Reference courtesy of Douglas Labs). The EPA estimates that the average US citizen has residues from over 400 toxic compounds in their body. The advantages of detoxing in January include it being easy to keep track of. Ideally do it twice a year. Start the year fresh and don't let all those other resolutions like weight loss and exercise go to waste! We currently have two detox programs available in the office and the Omnicleanse one is 20% thru the end of January (so hurry if you want the discount). Whichever one you choose you will still need to adjust your diet so here are the food guidelines: AVOID: Caffeine Sodas Alcohol Processed foods Red meat trans fats Sugar Starch Chemicals in home and work, Dry cleaning, Nail Polish INCLUDE: Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables 8 to 10 servings a day Organic produce Almond or Rice milk Fish Whole unprocessed foods Water We will give you more specifics when you are starting the detox. Usually you will lose 3 to 5 pounds while detoxing but this is not supposed to be a weight loss method. Look at it as a system of renewal. I will blog at a later date about controlling and maintaining weight loss. We have no choice, we cannot not Detox in the year 2013! So get it over with :) Cheers!

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10814 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, Maryland 21044
13637 Route 1
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Contact: Cindy Battle
(410) 992-3266
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