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Thursday, May 12, 2016

The true lesson of Prince and his death

Since the untimely death of the great musician Prince, a lot has been said about how much his estate is worth and which relatives are lining up to get a piece of his mega millions. Unfortunately, I have not heard a word about the real lesson we should learn from his death: What is the point of being rich if you don’t put a premium on your health? As the old folks say “you can’t take it with you” and I say: you will be leaving it even sooner if you don’t make your health a priority. It boggles my mind that someone can have so much money and still be unhealthy. My feeling is that Prince was not as self destructive as some of those like Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Amy Winehouse who preceeded him, but still it is clear that being healthy was not top of his priority list the way it should have been. How many times have I harped on the old “Prevention is better than cure” song? When you have that much money and you still don’t look like the picture of health, what is wrong with this picture? Enough said, make your health a priority no matter what your age or income. If you have to skip a little purple rain and glitter to invest in your health then so be it.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Lack of sleep can kill you!

I gave a talk on Sex, Sanity and Sleep yesterday and wanted to share some of the amazing information I found out about sleep. Sleep is one of those wonderful things that we take for granted but it can increase not just the quality of your life but the QUANTITY of it too! One extra hour of sleep a day can decrease your mortality by 50%. Do you forgo leisure and sexual activities and sacrifice exercise because you are "too tired", gulping down caffeine to keep up. Stop! Besides making you tired,lack of sleep severely impacts your health. One in five auto accidents involves drowsy driving. Lack of sleep increases your blood pressure, your tendency to diabetes, arthritis, weight gain,heart disease and premature aging.When you are sleep deprived you are cranky and your decision making skills are reduced which affects your social relationships among other things.Improved sleep improves your thyroid function and immunity which controls your ability to fight off infections and cancer. So insomnia is no joke! Make sleep a priority. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog: It takes great sleep to make a great life. Check out that blog for tips on how to get better sleep and if that's not working, seek help.

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10814 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, Maryland 21044
13637 Route 1
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Contact: Cindy Battle
(410) 992-3266
(410) 992-0011