Whenever I go to Anti-Aging meetings and listen to the presentations and review all the exhibits I can't wait to share all the new information with my patients. This is why I hold seminars twice a year.
Science is always evolving, even a tried and true remedy may have improvements or new uses and when I do the seminar I can bring up-to-date information to people, its nothing short of exciting!
Even though I am bursting to share immediately, I think it is good that I have a little time to try out products and research more information on things I am interested in, so I have first hand experience.
In addition to dynamite information, I find good products and order them so people can try them at a discount. As my husband will attest I try EVERYTHING myself first! Some products are duds and some like my Anti-Aging serum (SAST) are brilliant, I was able to discuss creating that with a holistic biochemist 10 years ago at the Anti-Aging conference and I still swear by it!
Among other things I found some anti-wrinkle gel that is incredibly affordable and works. It is listed as Nature's Alternative to Botox and it will only be $15 at the seminar (usually $45 though some websites have it listed as high as $100!!!). And then there's the portable infrared sauna, I am loving it daily. It makes me sleep like a baby. (That's me in the sauna!).
I have had several people offer to do a testimonial regarding their Hormone Treatment and HCG weight loss programs, so there will be people who have been there and done it, that you can talk to and as usual... Zumba and Nia
All that to say, "it's Time!", the seminar will be on May 12th 2012 at Turf Valley from 9.00 to 3.00
Hope to see you there.