Last weekend I was thrilled and amazed to receive an honor from the local chapter of the AKA at their annual International Women's Day luncheon.
Interestingly, some of my patients think that my volunteer and teaching activities are a distraction to my practice so I really thank a patient of mine Ms. Shawn Jackson who nominated me for the award. Shawn realizes that volunteering is not only OK, it is actually necessary for professional women to give what we can to uplift our communities. I also commend the AKA for their acknowledgement that we should all use our gifts to help others and we should think globally. Women the world over look to women in the United States as role models and mentors.
It has indeed been an exciting 2 weeks for me, one weekend I am returning from Haiti where I was doing what I love: Helping people take better care of themselves and teaching and then the next weekend I am receiving an award for for it.
I think there is a need in all of us to help our fellow human and in my case volunteering fills that void. I love it! I receive so much more than I give every time.There have been times when I have been depressed at the scope of the work to be done and the smallness of my contribution but now I realize that even if you only help one person, you have made a difference.
As Livingston said:" Sympathy is not a substitute for action"
Thank you AKA for the wonderful award, I am proud and grateful to have been selected.
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