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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vitamin and supplement testing

Oftentimes people ask me ''what would be a good vitamin regimen for me?" as if there is a fixed regimen that works for everyone and all I need to do is tell them what it is.
Unfortunately it is not quite that simple but the answer is important none-the-less. Vitamin and supplement deficiency cause a lot of symptoms ranging from deafness and macular degeneration to dizziness and hair loss. One of the commonest deficiency symptoms is fatigue, unfortunately this can be caused by iron deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, deficiency of zinc iron, iodine and thyroid, vitamin B12 deficiency, inadequate anti-oxidants, different hormone deficiencies and on and on!
As with all good medical care it is better if the regimen is tailored to the individual patient rather than a one size fits all approach.
Fortunately this question can be answered with a simple blood test, check out a list of some of the deficiencies that can be tested for on the Weight Control page of my website. That test, plus an evaluation of your hormone and iodine levels can be the key to a whole new quality of life.

Its your health, take control !

Have a great week

Helping you to add life to your years and years to your life....

Dr Tuakli


  1. I am 45 years-old, married, and with one child in college and another almost there. Of late, I have been feeling fatigued, but I am not sure if this is due to age, change of life, or just the stress of daily life. Will a simple blood test be sufficient to see if what I am suffering from is vitamin deficiency? Or do I need a more in-depth check-up. Thank you,


  2. Hi Susan,
    It depends on the cause. You could start with a 'simple blood test' and then if that does not identify the major cause of your tiredness, we could do more in depth testing. At your age you are probably perimenopausal and that could well be interfering with your sleep among other things. No, its not ust 'due to age' that's an "old wives tale: (no pun intended!

  3. Hi Dr. Tuakli,
    Great website! Can you tell me the price range to get my vitamin levels checked? Also, do you do nutritional testing or analysis? Thank you,

    Columbia, MD

  4. What you need Susan is a consultation to determine what would be the best testing protocol for your particular condition. Many vitamins and amino acid deficiencies can cause
    fatigue along with hormone imbalances.

    i doubt very strongly that your issues is 'just age' :)

  5. Hi,

    I too feel supplements may cause side-effects, so one has take advice from the medical expert before taking supplements. Anyways thanks for sharing such lovely post.

  6. Dr Tuakli - I'm past menopause and have absolutely no libido. Are there vitamins I can take to get it back?

  7. Hi LeLe, I'm glad you are reading my blog and that you took the time to ask your question.
    i am not aware of any specific vitamins that can bring back your libido, however there is a common spice that might help and hormone replacement will absolutely be helpful.
    If you are on the east coast you may like to come and see me or find someone else who specialises in bio identical hormone replacement. What's improtant is for you to understand that this problem IS fixable in a health friendly fashion. Dr Tuakli



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10814 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, Maryland 21044
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