I had forgotten how miserable a cold can feel until I recently caught one from my husband. Surprisingly I rarely catch things from my patients because I am on guard but within the family it is hard not to "share the love". They say if you dont treat a cold it will last 7 days and if you treat it , it will last a week! That's true however, there is a protocol that can cut it in half, that's what I do. I really dont have the luxury of being sick for a week.
So today I am going to share with you my strategy for curing the common cold.
Stay warm, which means bundling up until you look ridiculous.
Inhale steam for 5 to 15 minutes with you mouth open. What I find the most effective is to boil water in a big pot and sit with a towel over my head, not very attractive and it can seem to take up more time than you feel like spending but well worth the effort. There are more chic ways to do it with a fancy facial humidifier but this is what I find the most effective. Just putting a humidifier in the room doesnt do it. Steam does a variety of things: Opens up and kills viruses in your airway, makes you bring up phlegm, decrusts your nose (way more effectively than picking :) and helps you breathe better and its free!
Only drink warm liquids like tea. Even if you want to drink water dont drink anything colder than room temperature.
Avoid dairy
Lysol and Hand Sanitizer at home to avoid spreading it to loved ones
VITAMINS AND SUPPLEMENTS I immediately start mega doses of vitamin C and increase my D. My patients are all familiar with our 'Viral Mix' which I give for anyone with a viral infection. I take one pack of Viral Mix plus Total Well Being. Sometimes I will add Aconitum. I only use Oscillo if I think I am dealing with the flu (body aches etc). The Wellness Complex may be helpful although I believe in using it throughout the winter for maximum health. Add Echinacea twice a day until better.
Sounds like a lot of pills, and it is, but its worth it to feel better, sooner.
SYMPTOMATIC RELIEFIf you dont have high blood pressure take a sudafed the first morning. This can stop your nose from running like a faucet while you are getting over your cold. The downsides of Sudafed are: It increases your blood pressure and can make your heart race. It can also make you stay awake, so dont take it late in the day. Paradoxically there are people who say it makes them drowsy but then there are people who can drink expresso before going to bed and still sleep.
Another down side is that apparently some young people have figured out ways to abuse it.
"Nyquil-like" products are not a favorite of mine, there is too much stuff mixed up in it plus it has a high alcohol content which can leave you with a hangover or headache. Try Benedryl if you really need to sleep when you have a cold.
Ibuprofen or Tylenol will help for the aches and pains.
PHASE 2If you follow the above regimen you should be better in 2 days, if your symptoms are getting worse instead of better after 2 days see your doctor. What may be worse? Increasing headache, persistent temperature, discharge is becoming more colored, deepening cough.