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Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy 90th birthday Ms. B! News about our great seminar!

Here is a picture of me with a patient of mine who turned 90 this month. Doesnt she look great!Happy birthday.

Last weekend I held an anti-aging and hormone replacement seminar entitled: looking good and feeling good after 40! It was great and very inspiring for me personally to see women so receptive to receiving new information.
The seminar opened with Claudia Salomon a renowned Nia (and Zumba) teacher helping us claim the space that we were in. What I thought was going to be a mild stretching exercise had me breathless when called upon to speak even though we performed the movements right where we stood. After lunch she gave us another 7 minute workout and for those who wished she did a full class at the end. So invigorating and energizing, after Claudia the excitement was palpable, the room was electrified.
The first discussion was about Bio identical Hormone replacement and evaluating what hormones need to be replaced. Over 40, the most important hormones to get in harmony are: Estrogen, Progesterone, Cortisol, Thyroid and Insulin. Many people were surprised to discover that all steroid hormones are derived from cholesterol and there is such a thing as a too low cholesterol.
We also talked a lot about women's sexual dysfunction, how to manage it, how hormone replacement can help and what Herbs maybe useful. Its interesting that "erectile dysfunction" is all over the airwaves now and is considered a socially acceptable topic of conversation but more women than men suffer from sexual dysfunction yet no one feels comfortable talking about it.
Wow! No one knows unless they ask. "Is this normal?"
Dr Kanter followed with a very concise presentation on body contouring with plastic surgery. He got rave reviews from all the participants. He covered the body from head to toe and kept the audience spell bound with his before and after photos.
After lunch Claudia's routine helped with digestion and then we were back to talk about Anti-aging and Telomeres.
Three scientists were given the Nobel Prize for medicine last year for their work in this amazing field. Its implications are profound for understanding the aging process.
(Call our office if you would like to get your telomere length measured).
I was able to discuss a full and comprehensive Anti-aging workup such as the one we perform, in great detail. A very important component being neurological testing.
Dr Comeau a local physician talked about Botox and Fillers and then did a demonstration on my office manager Cindy. Once again everyone was riveted with attention.
There wasnt a dull moment!
It helps to be a woman over 40 and with the number of women I see in my practice I know what subjects are of interest to Baby Boomers. It is my goal to keep bringing you seminars
that are relevant, interesting and exciting with the end result of bringing life to your years!
We shall be holding another seminar in early fall, if you would like to be notified of our events please call our office at 410 992 0011 and give us your email address or send it through the contact page of the website.

Next week I will be blogging from Haiti !

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10814 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, Maryland 21044
13637 Route 1
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Contact: Cindy Battle
(410) 992-3266
(410) 992-0011